Summer is often filled with exciting thoughts of warm weather and relaxation. Many people may even consider it an ideal time to take a vacation. There are many things on everybody’s to-do list before going on holiday. You may have to decide on what to pack, who to leave your pet with during your trip and where your mail may be forwarded to. Many vacationers will often forget about their HVAC system as a result of the lengthy to-do list. Homeowners will often face high electric bills or damaged HVACs after their vacation. Luckily, we are here to offer a few tips to get the best out of it while enjoying your summer.


Raise your thermostat

Raise your thermostat

You will not need your system to keep temperatures at a comfortable level while you are out on holiday.  As such, you can manipulate your thermostat for lower energy costs by raising it to a higher temperature. Your thermostat will require much less energy at about 80 degrees Fahrenheit and could help you save on your energy bill. This low operation level can also reduce the need for repairs over time. If your thermostat is programmable, you can automatically set it to rise to higher temperatures over the duration of your vacation and lower back to comfortable levels when you return.

Consider surge protection

Consider surge protection

Power outages are unpredictable and potentially damaging to your system. They can cause expansive damage to your HVAC system that may require a complete overhaul after your vacation. That said, you will never know when you might experience a surge or outrage, and especially not when on vacation. Installing an effective surge protector will be the only way to protect your system while you are away. Surge protectors will offer peace of mind when installed since they will protect your HVAC system and other electrical items from potential damage. If you are not sure which option is best suited for you, consider speaking to a local technician or trusted expert online to find the right choice.

Consider air filter maintenance

Consider air filter maintenance

Even though you are on holiday, your HVAC system will still be operational. The unit will still be exposed to some risk, and will require careful maintenance to lower the risk of damage further. Even though installing a surge protector can help cut down the risk of electrical failure, it will not protect against certain malfunctions. You will need to change your air filter before going on vacation to avoid any problems while you are away.

Look into your security

Your security system might not be as secure as you think. Many people wrongly consider timing their lights on and off during the day as enough protection against external influence. This protective measure offers very little cover to your HVAC system. You should consider setting up an added level of coverage to further secure your system. Adding sensor lights and an alarm will help ensure further protection to your HVAC. You could even consider setting up a toughened fence around the system to ensure comprehensive protection.

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Carry out routine maintenance

Carry out routine maintenance

 Before leaving for your trip, we recommend hiring your HVAC technician for a comprehensive inspection of the system. They can carry out a thorough check alongside fitting in a new air filter for added convenience.  This technician will carry out the routine check up to identify any potential issues that may need to be addressed.  They will also check on the coils, ensure ideal refrigerant levels, address any loose coils and monitor the evaporator coil.  Scheduling this type o maintenance will help you spot and address any potential problems before they become serious.


You should plan for more than just your trip when looking forward to an enjoyable summer vacation. You need to ensure that your HVAC system is in top shape before leaving for holiday. By taking up these efforts, you will be better able to lower any risk of damage and cut down your bills. Consider letting a professional take up detailed maintenance if you do not understand your system. With our help, you will be better able to find the best technician to take care of your home and industrial equipment before a stress-free summer.

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